Archive for June, 2000


Just had lunch with Calum. Apparently him and his friend Dave have coined a new term: chillaxin’, a combination of chillin’ and relaxin’. I personally don’t think there’s much of a difference between the two, but whatever. Last night I discovered Bubble Tea for the first time. What is Bubble Tea? That’s what it is.

degrassi drinking game

I’ve posted the Degrassi Drinking Game written by my friends. Note: not written by me. Really.

guelph is a funny word

I just read this entry from the latest “Summary of Police Activities” post to the uog.police_security newsgroup: Jun 04 08:44 Fire Alarm – Athletic Centre. ACTION: Guelph Fire and University Police attended. Found to be caused by water. If anyone can explain this to me, please do.

the fiends

People drink coffee here like fiends. I went to get another coffee at 10:40 and the first pot of the day was already empty.


Went to the Guelph SLIC conference this past weekend. It KICKED ASS. I met a ton of people, made great new contacts, learned lots of stuff, and had a great time. Now I’m really looking forward to going back to school. Still don’t have any transportation or a place to stay for OLS though. Crap. […]

hello city

Haven’t had much time to write here lately, especially from work. Been busy. Here’s a quick recap: Won both competitions at the 5th Annual Toronto LEGO Robotics competition. Backed up and then formatted my C: drive last night, after my Win2K upgrade didn’t quite work out as planned. Put a fresh install of Win98SE on […]