some of the boys got loaded drunk and they ain’t got sober yet

Well, it’s pretty much official. I’ve got to get my shit together for next semester or else I’m hosed. Well, I’m pretty hosed anyways, I’ve just got to get un-hosed. I got some “good” lectures from my mom today. I hate to say it or even be at this point, but it’s make-or-break time. Next semester I’m either going to turn the bend or fall into the gutter.

How I’m going to do that (turn the corner, that is) I’m not quite sure yet. Lots of things come to mind: drop my extra-curricular involvment, lock myself in my room for the entire semester without a 3D card or network connection… well, OK, those two. And I’ve got to do this while my life is taking some more interesting turns at the same time.

I’m going to miss Sandy in bed tonight. it’sonlytwoweeksit’sonlytwoweeksit’sonlytwoweeks.


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