leave you behind

I’ve been on a hiatus from writing here for a few days. Sorry ’bout that. I know everyone really wants to read the story of my life (especially all you CASUers).

This weekend was really good. It started on Friday when I went (gasp!) dancing. I had to make it up to Sandy for missing going dancing back on Tony’s birthday when I cut myself, so I couldn’t weasel my way out of it (try as I did). Lots of guys don’t like going dancing it seems. I think this is because somewhere between the ages of 8 and 12 we lose all sense of rhythm. Those who don’t try to make a living in music (a tough gig). Anyways, we (Sandy, Cait, Amy, Emily, the Nat and the Brad, and myself, maybe others too) went out to the Underground at around 10. I had been to the Underground once before, with Tony and his (former?) friend Darshni, for his birthday /last/ year, if memory serves me. Anyways, we were early, so we wasted some time playing pool (I won) and waiting for the rest of our friends to arrive, who eventually did: Becky, Suz, Joy, Tara, Tony, Nic, and Mark. As the night progressed, at points I actually enjoyed dancing, even though I was informed later that none of the guys has any sense of rhythm. Still, I enjoyed myself, if I was dancing or just relaxing on one of the couches watching the incredibly stupidly hilarious horror flick Jack Frost. I’ll never look at carrots the same way again.

Saturday we celebrated Cait’s birthday. The celebrations started with dinner at Angel’s Diner, a 50s themed restaruant. Twenty-two people showed up for dinner. It was great. Sandy’s brother Michael also showed up for the weekend so he came along, and promptly got into an argument with someone at the table. It was great. Even though I overreacted a bit about the dinner-argument thing, overall I think Michael’s a good guy. It was a little mean of us to drag him to dinner with a bunch of people he didn’t know. Just bad timing I guess.

The majority of the people who came to dinner came back to the House to watch movies and be happy. We watched two of Cait’s favourite movies, If Lucy Fell and Harold and Maude. I’ll have to watch the end of Harold and Maude sometime, as Sandy and I were too tired by then and went to bed. In between movies there was an interesting game of Truth or Dare which I was shamed out of playing, and apparently after Harold and Maude there was a no-holds-barred episode of Spin the Bottle.

“Ah, to be young again. And also a robot.” –Futurama

Cait had a great birthday, which made me happy. She has tons of friends and they all came and she got more presents than I usually get on my birthday and Christmas combined. Sandy and I bought a pinata and filled it with candy for her. Pete bought her U2 tickets (which woke up Snady and I when they arrived at around 2am). Damn lucky girl.

Song: Leave you Behind – Sleater-Kinney

Sleater-Kinney is a band that I started listening to a lot last semester. This semester I’m gaining an obsession with Sandy’s favourite band, Our Lady Peace.


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