Archive for May, 2003

I got the DSL up! Rejoice! Rejoice!

Group for User Interface Research – Projects – DENIM and SILK – DENIM is a visual web-site designer that allows you to export mocked-up prototypes of sites. Looks really cool.

slash. hack. stab.

There’s something so succinct in summing up products or processes in three words. Things like “Rip. Mix. Burn.” or, to extend it a bit: Steal Underpants. ????? Profit. Anyways, last night we went to see X2 (aka X-Men 2, aka some other silly titles) at the budget-conscious Rainbow Cinema Fairview across the street from our […]

Hotmail & Passport (.NET Accounts) Vulnerability – holy crap. Hey, anyone with a web browser can reset anyone else’s MS Passport password, thereby completely screwing them! This is BAD. Yet another reason to not keep all your eggs in one basket – in this case the Microsoft basket.

DSL update

Well, TFNet called me back with the status of my DSL order. As I suspected, we’re all waiting on Bell to install the line card, do the tests etc. The order for this went to Bell on the 2nd, so once they notify TFNet that it’s installed and ready I’ll get my username and password, […]

I am back. are still down though. The line card hasn’t been installed on my line yet, and actually the phone jack in the computer room isn’t even wired. Bleh. Gotta call torfree and buy a long phone extension.