Archive for the my ramblings category

Sculpture Garden construction, day 2


I wonder what’s going into the sculpture garden?

It’s going to be pretty big, that’s for sure… Toronto Sculpture Garden

by the numbers

Number of couriers I helped at the office today: 2 Number of drivers who almost nailed me in the GO parking lot: 1 Number of flyers for real estate brokers in the mail today: 5 Number of postcards from my sister: 1 (yay!)

Today is the first day of spring

Why, you ask? Because today the Parks department turned on the waterfall at the Toronto Sculpture Garden. So there.

Quote of the day

“Physics is cool, guy” — Albert Einstein Maybe he didn’t say that. But I think he would have.

February is a good but sucky month

It’s Valentine’s Day! Everyone loves Valentine’s Day, except for those lonely, bitter, jaded people. Not me, not this year. This year I surprised Sandy on the Saturday before, and she loved it. Plus I got us tickets to Wicked which she really wants to see. I got a new wrist rest for my mouse which […]

Things I did not know until 10 minutes ago

Kwanzaa was invented by some guy in California in 1966. Windows XP has a ‘scroll lock’ feature where you just have to click a scrollbar once and move your mouse up and down. Clicking again stops scrolling. IMHO most people would find this highly annoying. Christmas is in just a few short days… I still […]

Busier than a bee in a 100 acre clover field

Work work work work Doing training at work (sucks) Didn’t go to the extremely cool WWNC, now regretting it, but going to the next one even it it’s located at the centre of the earth Succeeded in letting people down Busiest four day week EVER was last week. Actually, it was probably my busiest week […]

Screw you too, Showtime

Apparently Showtime doesn’t want me to access their highly sensitive information – it’s for US residents only. Stupid boneheads.

go ahead, do your worst

comments are re-enabled again. Despite it being a short week due to holiday Monday, it was still busy as all hell at work this week. At times my mind felt like liquid metal. I’m not sure why… Jordan got Sandy and I hooked on The Flaming Lips. I think we listened to Yoshimi Battles the […]