Hey US Immigration: Canadians go to Canada.
CBC News: Canadian freed from Syrian jail set to arrive in Montreal: Here’s the short form of the story: Canadian citizen (of Syrian origin) visits Tunisia. Returns to Canada by way of New York (huge N. American air hub) US authorities suspect he might be a mamber of al-Qaeda. Evidence or reasons given: he knew […]
VoteEducation.ca – the Toronto Metro (free tabloid-style commuter newspaper, circulation: insane numbers) ran a full-page colour ad on the back page advertising this website. CFS, you kick ass. Educating student voters is much needed, thank you.
New webcomic search result #1
her! [girl vs pig]
Hybrids good. Canadian companies good.
CBC News: Purolator to buy up to 2,000 hybrid electric vehicles – It’s great to see companies investing in hybrid vehicles, and even better for Canadian companies to be buying Canadian-made hybrid vehicles. Man, I want a Toyota Prius.
BBC NEWS | UK | England | ‘Superhero’ takes on clampers – if I had a clamp on my car, I would call this guy. I would just request that he stay at least 5 metres away from me, ’cause that costume is just scary.
WSJ.com – For His Sick Kids, a Father Struggled to Develop a Cure: Heartbreaking story of a father who quit his job and started his own biotech company in order to find a cure for his children’s fatal disease.
I would find this a little bit annoying.
Super Regis Roving Robotic WebCam – drive this guy’s completely wireless robot (with camera) around his office.
Power, please
The above graph (click for full-size) shows Ontario’s current power demand (from The IMO) and available supply (from stories at The Toronto Star). I’m missing some numbers from yesterday and today, hence there’s a gap. This will update every hour.