Archive for September, 2000

there’s nothing Nietzche couldn’t teach about the raising of the wrist

Well, I just went to my first class of the semester: History of Modern European Philosophy from Kant. Actually felt myself start to think about things in that contemplative, constant churning-of-the-mind kind of way.

lyrics to go

This is the hundredth entry I’ve posted here. Today was crazy busy. I spent all morning and afternoon getting ready for and helping to run one of the frosh BBQs, and then I worked a four hour shift at work in the evening. I am so damn tired.

The Evil Business Guy Made of Butter

Well, I’m moved back to Guelph. Feels like home, except I haven’t built up giant mounds of paper yet. It didn’t take long before I had meetings scheduled, people to call, etc etc. Right back into it.

soup in pouch

Going back to university monday. Always an adventure.