solving problems with a chainsaw

I finally got the status of my Newton Messagepad repair from Apple, no th anks to the people at their 800 number – bunch of clueless monkeys. I used 411 and the address on my copy of the courier waybill to find out the real Apple Can ada phone number, called and very nicely asked for the Repair Centre and that I would like to check on the status of my repair. I then got transfered to the Se rvice Desk and spoke to George, who is one of the top 2 most helpful phone suppo rt people I have ever talked to. After giving him the case number he told me th at 1) I had included a personal cheque instead of a certified cheque, 2) The amo unt on the cheque was wrong (I forgot to add the tax) and 3) I would be getting a replacement unit. I mentioned that I also needed to change the address that t he unit would be shipped to, and he told me that all I had to do was mail a prop er cheque with a note of the new address and he would ship my new (woohoo!) Newt on to the address. This made me oh so happy – if I had visited in person I’d pr obably have wanted to give George a big hug. Exam in three hours, but I don’t c are, because I finally know that I’m going to have my Newton back before the end of the month.

Song: is still Macy Gray – I Try
And here are the lyrics.