new slashmaps are up
version 0.1 of the OPN #/. map is up. I got smart this time and generated it with xplanet and made a markers file with everyone’s ICBM coordinates 🙂 A few people are a bit off, but they’ll be fixed soon.
3 mints == 1 cola
Oh, I forgot to mention that on Monday my university approved the new Bachelor of Computing degree! w00t! What keeps me going. Song: internet radio mmm… internet radio good. Chemlab is good because they have an excellent selection of electronica that is perfect to administer systems by, and it’s also all-request so you can […]
tough at the bottom
I decided how I’m going to render out the OPN #/. map: xplanet and a marker file that has people’s location and nick. On top of that will be some kind of imagemap to link to their profile. I’m just going to have to figure out the ICBM address of everyone now 🙂 Time to […]
tough at the top
Christ. I was almost late for work today, as my alarm clock was suddenly 20 minutes slow. But when I looked at it again at 7:30, it was back on time. Bizzare. Well, this cements it. Time for me to start saving for a Dreamcast. Raging Search looks cool, but I think I’ll stick to […]
ancient history
I added to the Archive page some really, really old sites that I did a long time ago. I only added them because the directories were still hanging around.
ugly, ugly code.
I released my script Poor Man’s Blogger today. Check it on the Code page.
tough at the top
Okay… I decided to scrap the Writings section because anything I write and want people to read will probably go right here. So it magically transformed into the Archives section containing all of the older posts. Stuff will get moved out of here and into there whenever I feel like moving it. I will be […]
good lord!
I put this comic up in my office today. Heh. And yes, Calum, I will fix the photos.
the #slashdot map is here
If you’re here looking for the #slashdot map, take a peek here. If you’re not on it and want to be, mail me with your City, Province/State, and Country, and your nickname.
w00t w00t!
I finally wrote some code so that I can update this page easier. No more editing tables for me – now everything is parsed by a script that reads normal text files. Yay! Oh. This means that all of the entries below this one might have spaces in the wrong place. Oops. I’ll make an […]