she’s big fish. i’m little fish.

You would have to be Jordan or Mere to get that one.

What have I been up to in the past week?

  • Newton Glossary. Not officially launched yet, but it will be soon.
  • Chasing down eBay sellers who were profiting off my back. Isn’t the Internet great?
  • Work work work.
  • Going out and watching Baraka.
  • Hacking Paul G’s Fortune app for the Newton. (Release is imminent)
  • Having weird dreams. Like last night. I dreamt that I was going to work on the bus, but I was the only one on the bus (except for the driver) and it was cold and I was only wearing a towel, but I had a bag with me that had a change of clothes. So I had to put on the clothes in the bus, and then I got the the subway station and was waiting on the platform (which was huge and weird, for some unknown reason) with other random people. Then some co-workers found me, and told me that they couldn’t get into the building and were looking for me to open the door (apparently I had the right passcard or something). So we got on the subway and went to work (which ended up being a very big building), and there were police and fire trucks parked outside. Some policeman came out of the building and asked me if I could identify the person in this photo (which was about 3′ by 5′, yes, feet) but all that was in the photo was the shadow of the person. Then I woke up, and I was cold because I left the window open last night.

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