Day 2.5 in Ottawa

The presentation got out early, so I’ve got time to write. About an hour, actually 😛

Sandy’s having a great time so far, which makes me happy. Her and Melissa had a great time shopping yesterday. It’s good, because they haven’t seen each other in so long. On the way home last night we traipsed around a bit on the bus to buy some food, and Tom cooked a nice dinner for us. Melissa said he was on his “best behaviour.” 🙂 Didn’t do much after that; just hung out and vegged. I realized today that I could have been at the reception instead, but oh well. I had already missed most of it by the time we were finished dinner.

Today is a full day at OLS. Ran into an old co-worker over lunch, and wandered around the Rideau Centre trying to find that darn thing, which I finally found. Remembered to reserve tickets for the art gallery tomorrow. Called Stany, but he was busy fixing someone’s servers. Hopefully he calls before Sandy and I go out for dinner, or maybe I’ll meet up with him tomorrow.


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