Archive for February, 2003

chunks of concrete are never friendly

This morning I had a rather harrowing experience on the 401 (very long, large highway). I was on a ramp that was joining with some other ramps to create the collector lanes on the 401 Eastbound around Dixie Rd. in Mississauga. As such, there was lots of nice empty pavement in front of me and […]


Man, there’s a lot of stuff to talk about. I took the 14th off to spend with Sandy. We had an amazing time together, and I think (and hope) I’ve figured out how to balance everything together, like one of those plate-spinners. We went mini-golfing to The Putting Edge, which features glow-in-the-dark indoor mini-golf courses. […]

Looking like a pirate is fun, but…

Looking like a pirate is fun but only having one eye annoys me (idea) – Freaky true story about why wearing glasses is a Good Idea. Not for the squeamish. I’ve really got to stop reading everything2 while waiting for scripts to finish running and do some real work instead. Oh well, it’s lunchtime now […]

this. morning. sucked. ass.

I spilled a glass of water all over one of the bookshelves this morning. You’d think that the aftermath of such a boneheaded maneuver would have woken me up, but I’m sitting here sipping my second coffee of the morning. I mopped up everything as fast as I could, and had to throw out half […]


I think ‘cull’ is my new favourite word. It just rolls off the tongue, and it can be applied in a variety of circumstances. I always thought it meant to select for purposes of destroying (eg. to cull a herd), but apparently it only means to select from a group. Yeah.

dude, you’re getting a … wait, pass the j man!

‘Dell Dude’ arrested on pot charge – heh. heheheh. Funny. Dell Dude. I’m waiting for Ellen Feiss to get charged with presenting a forged prescription now. (Just kidding!) beep beep beep beep beep beep beep! I worked my ass off today, yet again. And interrupting my normal work was the task of recursively retreiving the […]

News front pages from around the world – cool stuff. If only the images were then linked to the stories online… Today’s caffeine intake: high.

there’s no place that I couldn’t be without you

Pthhh, let’s see. I had a cold all last week, and a ton of work to do. I worked my ass off to meet as many deadlines as I could, and it felt good, even if the cold medication made me feel as if I was floating 3 feet off the ground. Yesterday it hit […]

well what do you know…

CBC News: Powell’s evidence fails to sway most of Security Council. Surprise, surprise. The show-and-tell session seems to have been filled with mostly hot air and unconvincing satellite photos. I’m sure I could pull up some satellite photos of some factory in the US from TerraServer and label some round things “chemical storage” and some […]

concertos, with only one ‘o’

Yes, that’s an awful title. I know. My favourite way to give back to musicians lately is to attend concerts instead of buying CDs. Consider that the vast majority of artists will only get half a dollar or less per CD sold, while they get a decent percentage of the ticket price at a concert. […]