Archive for November, 2003

Thanksgiving? No Thank You

How you can tell one of your hard disks is dead.

When this happens: That bad. Luckily the drive is less than a year old, so I will RMA it. Also luckily I burned the important stuff off of it last night.

the mustard of your doom

Yes, I got my first speeding ticket ever this weekend. And I didn’t get off easy. Suckage. I got my latest order of cool very 3rd-party GBA stuff from Success. Including a new F2A 256Mbit flash cartridge and linker. Now I can finally put a 128Mbit game as well as a ton of other stuff […]


BBC NEWS | Europe | Serbia bloc folds after key role – c’mon, guys, you really don’t want to elect another insane right-wing nationalist government again. Remember the last time? Civil war happened? Civil war bad.

Fast Company | The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know – Amazingly scary and very well-written article about how Wal-Mart is so big that they reshape every single supplier they deal with – or else. Once Wal-Mart Canada starts selling groceries, we’re screwed.

Lately, I’ve actually begun speaking in domain names, or if Sandy says “Boy, does that suck!” I’ll follow up with “dot-com!” to get a laugh. Of course, any woman who laughs at a joke like that is a keeper. Jon asked if I’d be putting up a public interface to my DVD UPC data, and […]

List of all my DVDs

My DVD List – List Titles I Own – finally, I have easily made a database of all of the DVDs that I own. I did this by: “Borrowing” a huge list of DVD titles, UPCs, etc from a website with a less-than-secure CGI script (no, I’m not telling where) Cross-referencing that data with a […]

sick sucks.

I don’t like being sick. I especially don’t like being sick when I have to miss work. I don’t link missing work. I like work. Anyways, I’ve had this cold-like thing since last weekend. I made it through work on Monday and Tuesday but had to cut Wednesday short, since I was in a daze-like […]


A week until Rememberance Day and I don’t have my poppy yet. Gotta get on that.

my head hurts.

Woke up this morning with a pounding headache. I’m trying to make sure that this cold I’m getting / have gotten doesn’t take over and reboot my system. This weekend we watched a few good movies. 28 Days Later, directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting). What a bloody wild ride that was. I found myself almost […]