Archive for the Uncategorized category

more lego!

LEGO 7130 Star Wars Snowspeeder and LEGO 3408 Soccer Super Sport Coverage. New in box.

you know you need coffee…

…when you try to brew a pot of coffee but forget to put the coffee in. sigh…

now that’s low

Drought Reveals German WW2 Warship in River – Apparently the Danube has fallen so low in Serbia that old sunken German warships from WWII are resurfacing. Cool.

Wanna buy this?

You know you want a huge Star Wars LEGO Set, don’t you?

playing around

I’m playing with the site, tweaking some things and starting to convert the old pages to the new look by MTifying the whole thing.

written on May 16

written on May 16 Around 1:00pm Just before lunch, a homeless person walked with me for a few blocks. It was raining hard, and neither of us had an umbrella. He started talking to me at Queen & John, I was walking south to Metro Hall. He was an Aboriginal person, around 40 most likely. […]

As you may or may not have heard, I’m moving to a new apartment this coming Thursday. Since a number of Newton sites are run by me, I though I’d give everyone here a heads-up of what sites may be down for an extended period of time. I do have a new 3Meg DSL connection […]

Since John was having some disconnected random moments yesterday, I realized that I had one this morning. On my daily walk from the train station to work, I walked by the woman who I had sold Sandy’s old discman to a few weeks ago. And she was listening to it. Good to see good hardware […]

environment canada is smoking crack.

uhm… apparently the high temp for Toronto today will be 21 Celcius… and Tuesday will be 27 celcius. 27! Last week it was freezing and ice storming! WTF! Amazing: Honda Accord ad. This is not done with computer graphics.

You ever have one of those days where productivity starts out high, but then trickles off to the point where all you’re doing is endlessly looking for cool writeups on everything2? …yeah. Oh, in other news., still no news on whether or not the car is fixed. I will be calling at 4:30 sharp.