I can’t believe that was the solution!
My missing / corrupted master boot record (MBR) issues continued after my last post. After a lot of tinkering and troubleshooting I think I finally found the culprit: a bad IDE cable. I replaced it with a new-in-bag one I had, and no problems as of yet.
Newton pages are busted
I moved this site off of my crappy home DSL link and back onto a real webserver. Thanks Bill. A lot of pages are broken though, pretty much anything old that used server-side includes.
Actually, lots of things are busted, because I no longer have mod_rewrite at my disposal. Feed URLs have changed as well as links to any pages. Ulp. Sorry folks.
Recovering data by the skin of my teeth
Something happened while I was poking and prodding around inside my computer last night. My boot drive’s boot sector and partition table got b0rked. I finally traced it down to the bloody removable drive bay I was trying to install, it must have been doing something to the IDE signaling which was totally screwing up the works. Once I figured that out I had to recalculate my partition table values from scratch. Luckily that was easy since I only have one partition.
Jerky jerks who drive jerking cars
You might remember that I think people who drive less than 2km to the GO station are stupid. I encountered a prime example of this behaviour this morning.
About 10 houses up the street from me, and along my daily walking route, lives a husband and wife who leave for work every morning in separate cars, at about the same time that I happen to walk by in the morning. I’ve seen the wife’s car in the GO station lot often, and she usually takes the same train home as me. This morning I left the house earlier than usual and didn’t see them leave, but I saw them pull into the GO parking lot – both of them. The wife parked her car and then got in the other car with her husband and drove away. So, she doesn’t even take the train to work in the morning, but gets a ride to wherever it is, and then when she takes the train home her car just has to be there for her to drive home. Most days, I arrive outside her house on foot at the exact same time she is pulling into the street. If I could just shake some sense into people…