Archive for the mindless link propagation category

scary ’cause it’s… well, scary.

Cool-2b-Real is a pretty scary example of the culture-website-as-marketing-tool meme. This is a site that seems to be aimed at getting more young girls (seems to be age 12 or less, looking at the ages to eat, well, beef. Brought to you by America’s Beef Producers, of course. Especially check out the poll (“What type […]

home despot

Home Despot – Shop. Destroy. Rule. ’nuff said. Reading Stupid White Men is really making my blood boil. I’m 3/4 of the way through.


The Wristiplinarian: alternative wrist rest – hrm. Maybe this would be a way for me to spend less time in front of the computer – after all, I can’t type without a wrist rest, and I don’t think I’d be able to stand this one for too long 😛 via whowouldbuythat

sales are good!

dude! Today only at Diesel Sweeties, all shirts and hoodies have FREE SHIPPING to US/Canada! Don’t worry Sandy, I already picked up a few 🙂

Yes, Virginia, they make RPGs for the Gamecube

Skies of Arcadia Legends for GameCube comes out on Tuesday. I honestly can’t remember if I reserved this at EB or not 🙂 The preview sounds good, though. I know that Sandy has been looking for a good RPG for the GC for a while, and from all the mixed reviews I heard about Lost […]

Of Big Oil, By Big Oil, For Big Oil: The 10 Most Startling Speculations and “Conspiracy Theories” about September 11 and America’s New War. Man, that’s a long title. This is just a great summary on most of the shenanigans that the United States is pulling.