bloody comment spammers
I’ve gotten over 50 comment spams in the last two hours. Therefore I’ve intentionally broken comment posting for now.
It’s my barf-day
Yay me! I’m 24 today. Yesterday my parents and Sandy and I went out for dinner. Unfortunately last night Sandy woke up with food poisoning 🙁 I wasn’t feeling too hot either, plus I’ve gotten only 4 hours of sleep the last few nights because of Oliver hogging my side of the bed. So today […]
happier things that we did this past weekend
Besides caring for Oliver, we did do some other stuff this weekend: On Friday we went to the last Erin Smith Band show for… a long time! Mike, their drummer, is off to BC for a while, so the band is going on an official hiatus. Nia at C’est What was packed and most of […]
We’re back!
We survived two weeks in the Dominican, and we got back yesterday afternoon. There’s lots to do and today we’re opening wedding presents and stuff… more later and photos soon.
slip sliding away…
Boy, time flies and I don’t write anything here! We painted another room, the downstairs bathroom. It took many coats of paint for some reason. I am not painting this room again. Our front lawn is all done and sodded! The sod is doing good in most places and a few spots have been filled […]
Oh, moving!
[Homer searches under the couch for a peanut] Homer: Hmm…ow, pointy! Eww, slimy. Oh, moving! Ah-ha! [looks, then says remorsefully] Oh, twenty dollars…I wanted a peanut! Homer’s brain: Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts! Homer: Explain how. Homer’s brain: Money can be exchanged for good and services. — The voice of reason, “Boy Scoutz ‘N […]
Today we sign the papers for our new house. Tomorrow we take posession and start moving. I am so damn stoked. I know Sandy is too but she’s too tired from packing to show it 🙂
what’s going on? what’s happening? what’s all this?
What else has been happening? We are entering box hell – that time before we move when we try to do as much pre-packing as possible. You can tell it’s getting time to move because photos and pictures start to come off the walls, and then when we talk it sounds like we’re living in […]