slash. hack. stab.

There’s something so succinct in summing up products or processes in three words. Things like “Rip. Mix. Burn.” or, to extend it a bit:

  1. Steal Underpants.
  2. ?????
  3. Profit.

Anyways, last night we went to see X2 (aka X-Men 2, aka some other silly titles) at the budget-conscious Rainbow Cinema Fairview across the street from our new place. The theatre is actually a re-opened six-screen deal that was originally operated by Cineplex Odeon. Now it seems like Rainbow Cinemas are purchasing these facilities, as well as some rural single-screen theatres, and keeping their prices low in order to compete with Famous Players and AMC. The advertised price is $7.50, but for some reason when I bought two tickets they were only $6.75 each – buy bulk and save? Anyways, the theatres were rather nice: everything was very clean, and the theatre was DTS Digital Sound equipped. My only real complaint was that the theatre wasn’t dark enough! The house lights were kept on at a very dim setting and these combined with the red/purple side wall lights made the theatre a little too bright for my liking. The seats were comfortable though.

Anyways, X2 was a fun movie. I was glad to see that the SFX, especially the fight scenes weren’t overly-laden with SFX-rendered people fighting each other: it was only used when necessary, which is good. Compare to The Mummy Returns, where I could literally point out every single CGI in the film because they were all so poorly integrated. Keeping the movie PG-13 was a bit of a stretch though, as there are some times (usually when Wolverine is shredding someone/something) where you expect to see at least a little blood.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that we helped someone sneak in 🙂 When we took our seats about 15 minutes before the start of the film, there was a kid around 13-14 lying on the floor in the aisle. He was alternately getting up, and then lying back on the floor, all the time getting closer to us. Sandy finally realized that he had probably been seen sneaking in and was being pursued by theatre staff. He ended up sitting beside us and asked me to borrow one of our ticket stubs. Being an upstanding citizen, and having snuck and theatre-jumped a few times in my adolescence, I helped him. A few minutes later a few theatre staff came by and asked him to show his ticket. He presented his (my) stub, and even though they had high suspicion that he had snuck in, and he was sitting right beside us with no one else in the row, the staff didn’t ask for our tickets. I guess accusing someone of sneaking in is a Bad Thing for theatre-patron relations. After the lights went dim, he returned my stub and went back to sit with his friends. I found the whole thing pretty funny. I guess it was my Daily Evil for the day.


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One reply

  1. Our new town (London) also has a former Cineplex Odeon now Rainbow Cinema. It’s quite cheap and a decent theatre. However London also has a Silver City for only $9 a movie!! We saw X2 there, and weren’t overly disappointed with it…
    Now where should we see the new Matrix…?