damn you, me!!!
Today’s BTAF is hilarious. Car fixed? Check. (not until this morning though…) New DSL line ordered? Check. Cancel cable internet for end of month and sign up for full cable, and change my billing address? … no, wait, that’s done now too. Excellent.
You ever have one of those days where productivity starts out high, but then trickles off to the point where all you’re doing is endlessly looking for cool writeups on everything2? …yeah. Oh, in other news., still no news on whether or not the car is fixed. I will be calling at 4:30 sharp.
So apparently now my photo (as captured by the NYT) is gracing the desktop of Grant’s computer and my mom’s cube wall. I thought it would be a little self-centred of me to frame an article about myself, but I think I’m at least going to seal that newspaper in a plastic bag. I wish […]
I’m famous
A Vintage Palmtop Holds Users in Thrall (GIF Image, 1326×906 pixels) – article about the Newton with my photo in it from the March 27, 2003 edition of the New York Times. Thanks to Al Muniz for mailing me a copy of that paper! In addition, Al says that the article was also reprinted in […]
I’m not angry at everyone anymore, don’t worry.
The freaky April ice storm on Thursday evening created an unexpected three-day weekend for Sandy and I – there was no way I could have gotten to work on Friday, and the University was closed for the first time in twenty years. Besides watching a lot of Six Feet Under this weekend (almost caught up […]