scary ’cause it’s… well, scary.

Cool-2b-Real is a pretty scary example of the culture-website-as-marketing-tool meme. This is a site that seems to be aimed at getting more young girls (seems to be age 12 or less, looking at the ages to eat, well, beef. Brought to you by America’s Beef Producers, of course. Especially check out the poll (“What type of beef do you most like to eat with your friends?”) and the “Smart Snackin'” recipes (which ALL involve ground beef as a main ingredient)

Not only is this site hypocritical (on one page, it does talk about eating a balanced diet including non-beef foods and getting exercise outside, while offering example snacks that contain large amounts of ground beef) but it’s downright misleading. To quote Lisa Simpson: “They can’t seriously expect us to swallow that tripe!”


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2 replies

  1. ewww. thanks for the heads up. Yuck. I hate sites that obviously have an inside agenda. too much beef!

  2. And now, curtosy of the meet company, tripe!