Archive for November, 2000

shacking up

Today was apathy day. I sat in my room all day. I got some reading done for my theatre tech class. Talked to my mom on the phone. Organized my CDs a bit. My mom asked me today how serious my relationship was. In her typical bizzare fashion, she asked me if we were going […]

too high to wonder why

I’m still listening to Thievery Corporation. I’m almost not worried about school anymore. I have three exams next week though. I need to start studying. Hard. Soon. I’m worried about my friend Tony. It seems that he’s been getting jerked around by his girlfriend of almost five years. I know that he deserves better treatment […]

lebanese blonde

You will listen to Thievery Corporation, or die. (Thanks, Jor.) So, what is going through my brain lately? I was walking down the main aisle of a local department store today and thought about the “progress” society has made in the past 100 years. The massive complexity of modern western life just turns my brain […]


Yep, that’s a good title. It’s all blah. School is blah. My dead Discman is blah. Well, Sandy is not blah, I guess 🙂 This entry is blah for sure. I want coffee. I can’t find my Sleater-Kinney/Boa CD. Dammit.

what are you guys doing to my back end?

Went to Toronto yesterday for some shopping. I finally got around to starting on christmas shopping and got some presents for a few of my friends. ANd window-shopped for a new Discman, ’cause mine is almost dead. (Sandy, please find yours so I can borrow it!) Spent money. Spent money I don’t have. Ah well. […]

make some cats

I would be doing my CIS3530 assignment right now, except it *has to be done on a computer with Oracle 7 on it, and there are like only 10, and they’re all being used until 6:30 when Sonya is leaving and is going to give me one. Yay. Explodingdog isn’t as weird as it sounds. […]

biochemical structure

Went to bed at 9pm last night, got out of bed at 9am this morning. ‘Twas a restless sleep. But this morning I took my prescription and am starting to feel a bit better. Sandy is not doing much better than I. She was very sick last night, and had a mid-term this morning that […]

street dreams are made of these

Yes, it’s official: I’m sick. I’ve got a sinus infection. Fuckin’ sucks. I wish I was better right now. Dammit. Whenever I’m sick I realize that I, like everyone else in our screwed up North American society, wants the quick fix. I feel too much like crap to write anything else.

no es bueno

Paper is done. It sucks ass, but it’s done and in on time. But now I think i’m sick with something. My throat hurts a lot. Bah.

you say go slow, ’cause something’s right behind me

Just when I was going to write a semi-rant in here, I throw in a Mix CD and the first track happens to be Window by Guster, my favourite band. It’s great how music can change my mood. My girlfriend wrote in her online diary yesterday about all the fun she’s having being home for […]