it’s good to be back

Well, last night I demoed my Director presentation for the theatre. It went great; everyone was really impressed with the quality of the video. I just have to finish it up tonight and burn a final version and they they’ll have a looping presentation that shows movie trailers, ads and the like. Nifty.

Today was the first day of special classes. It’s strange, but it felt good to be back to classes. It’s going to suck taking silly first and second year courses though. My own fault for messing them up the first time around.

Sandy’s been sick the past few days, which has been a little hard on me. I’ve been doing basicially all the cooking, and taking care of her when I’m not working at ResNet. But I know that I’d expect the same from her if I was sick, so it’s alright 🙂 We tried to bike to school together today but I realized quickly that there was no air in her tires. Tonight I have to fix her bike. Back to work for now though.