environment canada is smoking crack.

uhm… apparently the high temp for Toronto today will be 21 Celcius… and Tuesday will be 27 celcius. 27! Last week it was freezing and ice storming! WTF!

Amazing: Honda Accord ad. This is not done with computer graphics.


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2 replies

  1. Hi Victor: I just got a frantic message from Debbie saying her emails to you have been returned. PLEASE get a hold of her asap and check in at Guelph Campus Co-op Bookstore [coopbkst@mgl.ca]. It’s your last obligation with us, I promise!

  2. Hi Victor: I just got a frantic message from Debbie saying her emails to you have been returned. PLEASE get a hold of her asap and check in at Guelph Campus Co-op Bookstore [coopbkst@mgl.ca]. It’s your last obligation with us, I promise!