Archive for July, 2000

king of debt collector agent

A week ago now I got an e-mail from a Russian guy by the name of Alexander Nickolsky who told me what “chuma” actually means (apparently): Just FYI: ‘chumovoy’ is an adjective. It’s from ‘chuma’ – lit. plague, in slang exclamation ‘chuma !’ can be translated as ‘wild’, or ‘cool’ or more precisely – ‘unbeliveable’, […]

i saw you dancing with elihu up on leemor’s bed

Today was my birthday. Hard to believe I’m 20. Already birthdays have ceased to be important for me. Today I went to the opthamologist and then picked out a new pair of glasses – that was fun. Then I went to work for about, oh, 15 minutes, and then was at COMDEX/Canada for the rest […]

the harder they come

Not a lot of time to write in here lately. Almost all of my free time is being eaten up by a software project involving myself, a thesis student at the University of Indiana, and a software consultant in Paris, France. Is it fun? Yes. Today at lunch I realized that I had started using […]

closing doors and locking locks he looked inside himself

This week has been sheer and utter madness. And I only worked for four days. Our full-time sysadmin is away on his honeymoon for two weeks, tso that leaves yours truly to fill in. All of the possible shit that could hit the proverbial sysadmin fan, did. And I had to handle it (which I […]

celebrate the birth of your nation by blowing up a small part of it

It’s the 4th of July. I don’t care, because I’m not from the USA. I’m more interested in the 14th of July, not because it’s Bastille Day, but because it’s my birthday, and I’ve been so busy recently that I just remembered.

more than meets the eye

Notice anything different?

kelly watch the stars

Yesterday I was suddenly reminded what a horribly wasteful society I’m in the midst of. I was getting onto the subway, and there were two people standing in front of the station, each handing out a competing “subway” newspaper. (For anyone not in Toronto: these are newspapers that are totally free and are meant to […]