let the shoosting begin!

Kallisys website is closed – today Paul decided to close his site because of the war. I completely respect him and stand beside him. However, I think that my life and my site should not be stopped by an arrogant United States Government.

I think sleater-kinney has the best words for this time:

Combat Rock They tell us there are only two sides to be on If you are on our side you?re right if not you?re wrong But are we innocent, paragons of good? Is our guilt erased by the pain that we?ve endured?

Hey look it’s time to pledge allegiance Oh god I love my dirty Uncle Sam Our country’s marching to the beat now And we must learn to step in time

Where is the questioning where is the protest song? Since when is skepticism un-American? Dissent?s not treason but they talk like it?s the same Those who disagree are afraid to show their face

Let’s break out our old machines now It sure is good to see them run again Oh gentlemen start your engines And we know where we get the oil from

Are you feeling alright now – There are reasons to unite Paint myself all red white blue – Is this why we unite? Are you singing let’s fight now – If you hate this time Innocent people die, uh oh – Remember we are the time!

Show you love your country go out and spend some cash Red white blue hot pants doing it for Uncle Sam Flex our muscles show them we?re stronger than the rest Raise your hands up baby are you sure that we?re the best?

We’ll come out with our fists raised The good old boys are back on top again And if we let them lead us blindly The past becomes the future once again


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