Artful spammers

I’m used to getting a lot of spam. The vast majority of it gets filtered out. Just now one slipped by my filter and I was about to delete it, when I highlighted it and saw it in my mail client’s preview pane. Now, usually spammers will add all kinds of junk characters to the bottom of a message to make it “unique” to try and foil spam filters. Well, at the bottom of this message was this text:

cannot help himself, and to obey promptly when he has fallen into tried to sit up, and collapsed upon my broken arm. Then Moreau appeared, saying. Prince Andrew looked silently at Pierre with an ironic smile.

What happens when I put that exact string into Google? Why, it’s Sun Tzu’s The Art of War!


2 replies

  1. Hmm. Well, “cannot help himself, and to obey promptly when he has fallen into” is from Sun Tsu, but “tried to sit up, and collapsed upon my broken arm. Then Moreau appeared” is from The Island of Dr. Moreau and “saying. Prince Andrew looked silently at Pierre with an ironic smile.” is from War And Peace. Interesting.

  2. test