Archive for April, 2005

Info board status

Well Sandy loved my infoboard idea, so I’m slowly moving ahead with it. I’ve been trying hard to get 802.11b drivers running on RedHat 6.2, but it’s just not flying. I’m going to have to try and upgrade the little laptop to RedHat 8.0 so I get a 2.4 kernel, and then things should be […]

still blogging sculpture garden

Oh crap. It’s a sandbox. What a stupid thing to put in the middle of downtown Toronto… doesn’t everyone know that sandboxes are filled with pet crap and, well, just dirty in general? For those who don’t know, right across the path from the garden is the patio of an expensive French restaurant. I’m sure […]

sculpture garden construction day 3

I saw workers building this over lunch yesterday, snapped the photo this morning. We’re getting a jungle gym! Hooray! It was hilarious to watch the workers because there were three fortysomething construction-types, wearing safety vests, hardhats, etc, assembling brightly-coloured metal bits into what looks like a playground fixture, while looking as surly as possible.

Sculpture Garden construction, day 2


The urge to be a geek

You might remember a long time ago I started to make a digital picture frame out of an old laptop I had. It was basicially finished except for the external stand or hanging hardware. However since I’ve worked on it we’ve moved twice and the hardware is still sitting in a box in the closet. […]

Season four of 24 in a nutshell – wow, Wesley gets all pissed off about 24, thus turning me off from ever picking it up. At least I still have Alias to escape with, which is FINALLY turning this craphole of a season around! ABC was all like “Yeah, best season EVAR!” but of course […]

I wonder what’s going into the sculpture garden?

It’s going to be pretty big, that’s for sure… Toronto Sculpture Garden

Dear FedEx: I love you.

So what’s been going on around the house lately? The garage door opener stopped working. Well, to be more specific, the safety sensors that detect something obstructing the door stopped working. This may have had something to do with the combination of: They weren’t installed correctly in the first place: they are mounted on the […]

OMG I finally found this again!

A looooong time ago I was browsing the IMDB randomly and came across an entry for a director – except it wasn’t a director, but rather a pseudonym that was used when a film had been hacked by the producer/studio/whoever so badly that the director refused to be credited for the final product. However, I […]

by the numbers

Number of couriers I helped at the office today: 2 Number of drivers who almost nailed me in the GO parking lot: 1 Number of flyers for real estate brokers in the mail today: 5 Number of postcards from my sister: 1 (yay!)