info board is almost complete…

Well, one week later, the info board software is good to go. It boots up, connects to the wireless network no problem, and starts up into links in graphic mode, full-screen, and pulls up the info page, which displays:

  • Weather Forecast (via the excellent RSSWeather)
  • CBC News Headlines (via CBC RSS)
  • IMDB News Headlines (love that RSS)
  • GO Train Service Updates (via my page-scraping one-liner)
  • Links to Maptuit routing, GO Train schedule tables,, and a Canada411 search form
  • The latest traffic camera image from 401 and Harwood (courtesy of the Ministry of Transportation COMPASS system)

Refreshing every hour. Mmmm, RSS….

Now to figure out how to mount it. It may end up just being affixed to a piece of plywood or a 1×3 wood frame and then using that to hang it.


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