Archive for the Uncategorized category

It’s that time again…

Time to get more t-shirts. Via boingboing I found this awesome place called Jinx that sells really cool geeky t-shirts like these.

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | At play with firm’s clone kittens – Uhh… apparently now they can clone cats with a high degree of success. Genetic Savings & Clone

Just what happened yesterday

Last night when I got home I was incredibly tired. But it was the day to put a second coat on the “Blue Monster”: that’s the huge wall in our stairway that we’re painting blue. I moped around a bit and then did it with some help from my friends Mr. Extension Pole and Mr. […]

John Shirley on marketing turning into brainwashing

In this guestblog writeup on, John Shirley talks about what I’ve been thinking about marketing for the last 10 years: the lack of ethics, and the extreme tinkering with brain control going on. Best part of the writeup: A marketing guy at Toyota complains–he’s complaining about this!–that young people “have the total ability to […]

CBC News: Prince Charles in ‘near miss’ – Damn it! Near miss?!

Hey, we got hitched!

Post-wedding life has begun! And I’m happy to report that nothing has changed 🙂 We came back from the Dominican well-rested but happy to be back home. We really missed our cats and our families. And ahem DSL. First of all, the wedding went off without a hitch! There was some last-minute hyperventilating right before […]

trying… to… get… time

wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding. That’s what’s going on. The preparations are going fairly smoothly though. Right now, installing Java on Manrake 9.2 is pissing me off (why are you coredumping! ARRGH!) as well as Mozilla 1.6 (no, I didn’t double click, don’t open 15 messages in separate windows now, […]

Fast, Cheap, Good: Pick any two – the essential mantra of any software engineer.

Al Gore’s address at NYC, May 26, 2004 – can I just print of a million of these, visit the States and start handing them out?

Contact Sheet – 1940s pamphlet on how to use… the phone. Great line drawings in this one.