Fortunes for Newton
These are packages of fortunes for Paul Guyot’s Fortunes program. These have been taken from the definitive BSD distribution of fortune, unless otherwise specified.
- Art.pkg
- Computers.pkg
- Cookie.pkg
- Definitions.pkg
- Drugs.pkg
- Education.pkg
- Ethnic.pkg
- Excuses.pkg – BOFH style excuses from The BOFH style excuse server
- Food.pkg
- Fortunes.pkg
- Goedel.pkg
- Humorist.pkg
- Kids.pkg
- Law.pkg
- Linuxcookie.pkg
- Literature.pkg
- Love.pkg
- MPWErr.pkg – Apple MPW C compiler errors from
- Magic.pkg
- Medicine.pkg
- MenWomen.pkg
- Misc.pkg
- News.pkg
- People.pkg
- Pets.pkg
- Platitudes.pkg
- Politics.pkg
- Riddles.pkg
- Science.pkg
- SongsPoems.pkg
- Sports.pkg
- Startrek.pkg
- Translateme.pkg
- Wisdom.pkg
- Work.pkg
- Zippy.pkg